Getting the Best Camping Toilets

So you arrive at a campsite and realize that you need to use the toilet. As you step into the toilet block you remember one of the real negatives about camping trips: the state of the toilets. Does this scenario seem familiar to you? If so, you may be thinking about buying a portable camping toilet.

With a portable camping loo, you are effectively providing your own facilities. This means that you can ensure that they’re kept clean and in the state that you would expect. But have you looked at the camping toilets that are available from retailers here in the UK?

If you do, you’ll soon notice that designs vary considerably. Some seem considerably less portable than others! It’s clear that some models are actually quite bulky. This seems like something of a problem.

Many of us tend to have an enormous amount of equipment and accessories when we go camping. This often means that our cars are loaded up with plenty of stuff. The last thing that we need is another large piece of kit.

So what’s the best way of getting a better camping toilet? The internet can be a great resource for this task. It allows you to look at a wide range of options, without having to leave your own home. You’ll soon be able to see that some loos are much bigger than others.

Folding toilets will often be the best solution. They’ll be much more compact once they are folded up, meaning that they’ll fit into your car more easily.

The very best latest designs have another distinct advantage too. Unlike older models, some of the best new designs don’t make use of any chemicals. This is good news for those of us who worry about transporting chemicals. It’s also great news for the environment.

If you’re prepared to spend a bit of time researching toilets online then you can soon find some great options at low prices. It’s certainly a better choice than having to use the toilets provided at campsites.